
This particular cockpit and engine set has found itself attached to three of Southbound Shipyards' new "Type F" Fighter-carrier pods. When the Free Worlds asked for a carrier, they did not expect one that would be able to carry more fighters than even the heaviest Navy warships. Given this fact, the Free Worlds have asked Southbound and Tarazed to restrict sale of the "Hauler III: Type F," "Skein" to its Militia only.

Mass:951.8 tons
Energy:8800 + 300.0/s
Shield Regen:196.8/s, drawing 196.8/s
Capture Attack:2.4
Capture Defense:3.2
Required Crew:9
Cargo Space:120/120
Outfit Space:17/500
(minmaxed):590 with 0 cargo, 575 with 20 cargo, 545 with 60 cargo, 515 with 100 cargo
Weapon Space:18/140
Engine Space:3/80
Gun Ports:0/2
Turret Mounts:0/4
Idle Heating:720.0/s
Thrust:79,560, drawing 108.0/s, heating 204.0/s
Reverse Thrust:41,400, drawing 60.00/s, heating 108.0/s
Steering:1133, drawing 96.00/s, heating 246.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:700
Tactical Scan Power:32
Meteor Capacity:0/29
Outfits:2x Meteor Missile Pod
29x Meteor Missile
1x Meteor Missile Box
2x Quad Blaster Turret
1x Heavy Anti-Missile Turret
1x Anti-Missile Turret
1x S3 Thermionic
1x LP072a Battery Pack
4x D67-TM Shield Generator
1x Tactical Scanner
4x Laser Rifle
1x Greyhound Plasma Thruster
1x Impala Plasma Steering
1x Capybara Reverse Thruster
1x Hyperdrive

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Skein (Sidewinder)

Price:7,567,000 ← 5,427,500
Mass:1007.0 tons ← 951.8 tons
Energy:19,200 + 564.0/s ← 8800 + 300.0/s
Shield Regen:235.8/s, drawing 235.8/s ← 196.8/s, drawing 196.8/s
Capture Attack:1.2 ← 2.4
Capture Defense:1.6 ← 3.2
Required Crew:9
Cargo Space:80/120 ← 120/120
Outfit Space:3/500 ← 17/500
(minmaxed):590 with 0 cargo, 575 with 20 cargo, 545 with 60 cargo, 515 with 100 cargo
Weapon Space:4/140 ← 18/140
Engine Space:8/80 ← 3/80
Gun Ports:0/2
Turret Mounts:0/4
Cooling Inefficiency:2 ← 0
Idle Heating:1500/s ← 720.0/s
Thrust:98,280, drawing 186.0/s, heating 366.0/s ← 79,560, drawing 108.0/s, heating 204.0/s
Reverse Thrust:0 ← 41,400, drawing 60.00/s, heating 108.0/s
Steering:1222, drawing 150.0/s, heating 378.0/s ← 1133, drawing 96.00/s, heating 246.0/s
Radar Jamming:10 ← 0
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:700
Tactical Scan Power:0 ← 32
Steering:73,320/s ← 67,980/s
Meteor Capacity:0 ← 0/29
Sidewinder Capacity:0/90 ← 0
Outfits:2x Sidewinder Missile Launcher
90x Sidewinder Missile
2x Quad Blaster Turret
1x Heavy Anti-Missile Turret
1x Anti-Missile Turret
1x LP144a Battery Pack
1x Fission Reactor
3x D94-YV Shield Generator
1x Large Radar Jammer
2x Outfits Expansion
2x Laser Rifle
1x A250 Atomic Thruster
1x A375 Atomic Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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