Meteor Missile Pod

The Meteor Missile is the cheapest and simplest homing weapon available in human space, with only rudimentary infrared tracking systems that can have trouble homing in on targets with low heat levels. True to its name, the missile reaches a very high speed to leave its target's anti-missile defenses with little time to react. The trade-off is maneuverability, so Meteor Missiles are practically useless against agile targets farther than point-blank range.

Pods enable fighters and other light craft to carry small quantities of missiles into battle while retaining enough space for other weapons. Large ships are better off with full-size launchers.

Category:Secondary Weapons
Mass:1 tons
Outfit Space:3
Weapon Space:3
Gun Ports:1
Meteor Capacity:7
Ammunition:Meteor Missile
Missile Strength:6
IR Tracking:65%
Reload Time:3.33s (0.30/s)
Burst Reload Time:1.33s (0.75/s)
Burst Count:7
Rate of Fire:0.30/s
Firing Energy:1 → 0.30/s → 0.10/s⋅ton
Firing Heat:20 → 6.00/s → 2.00/s⋅ton
Shield Damage:360 → 108.0/s → 36.00/s⋅ton
Hull Damage:220 → 66.00/s → 22.00/s⋅ton
Hit Force:220 → 66.00/s → 22.00/s⋅ton

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