
The Riptide is a dedicated transport ship meant to replace the temporary Deep River freighters that were converted into transport ships for refugee evacuation. Although not as durable as the Deep River, the Riptide is far more nimble of a ship while at the same time being able to carry more passengers.

Category:Space Liner
Mass:936 tons
Energy:13,400 + 1491/s
Shield Regen:90.00/s, drawing 180.0/s
Required Crew:48
Cargo Space:164/164
Outfit Space:52/488
(minmaxed):608 with 4 cargo, 593 with 24 cargo, 563 with 64 cargo, 533 with 104 cargo
Weapon Space:4/98
Engine Space:17/186
Turret Mounts:0/3
Idle Heating:1920/s
Thrust:275,400, drawing 300.0/s, heating 600.0/s
Steering:2291, drawing 192.0/s, heating 426.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:800
Ramscoop:4 (2.00)
Outfits:1x Sunbeam Turret
2x Wanderer Anti-Missile
1x White Sun Reactor
1x Bright Cloud Shielding
1x Wanderer Ramscoop
1x Type 4 Radiant Thruster
1x Type 2 Radiant Thruster
1x Type 4 Radiant Steering
1x Type 3 Radiant Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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