Modified Ladybug

This is an old war-torn Hai Ladybug with numerous modifications done on the hull. Apart from the additional turret mounts, the main adjustments on the vessel are three huge engine cells - two in the back replacing the old engine pods, and one in the front replacing the gun mounts. These push the Modified Ladybug to speeds only an insane captain would enjoy.

Category:Medium Warship
Mass:926.1 tons
Energy:19,250 + 1320/s, drawing 78.00/s
Shield Regen:324.0/s, drawing 414.0/s
Hull Repair:24.00/s, drawing 24.00/s, heating 36.00/s
Quantum Keystone:Yes
Capture Attack:25.6
Capture Defense:38.4
Required Crew:19
Cargo Space:91/91
Outfit Space:0/647
(minmaxed):707 with 11 cargo, 692 with 31 cargo, 677 with 51 cargo
Weapon Space:0/206
Engine Space:0/153
Turret Mounts:0/5
Idle Heating:4704/s
Thrust:391,860, drawing 624.0/s, heating 1356/s
Reverse Thrust:149,940, drawing 240.0/s, heating 492.0/s
Steering:1714, drawing 192.0/s, heating 492.0/s
Atmosphere Scan:Yes
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:300
Jump Speed:0.5
Fuel Capacity:1100
Ramscoop:2.5 (1.58)
Cargo Scan Power:5
Tactical Scan Power:25
Asteroid Scan Power:30
Outfits:1x Bombardment Turret
2x Thermal Repeater Turret
1x Point Defense Turret
1x Warder Anti-Missile
1x Systems Core (Medium)
1x S-970 Regenerator
1x Crystal Capacitor
1x Double Plasma Core
2x Small Heat Shunt
1x Large Heat Shunt
1x Fuel Processor
1x Quantum Keystone
16x Thermal Repeater Rifle
1x "Biroo" Reverse Thruster
1x "Bondir" Atomic Steering
1x "Bufaer" Atomic Thruster
1x Hyperdrive
1x Jump Drive

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