Marauder Manta

After the Syndicate released their Vanguard Heavy Warship, the Manta fell somewhat out of favor due to its lack of ability to mount any anti-missile turrets. The owner of this Manta rectified that, added some extra armor plating and shield emitters, and rearranged some of the internals to yield a little more outfit space. Dry tonnage alone keeps it from being classified as a heavy warship.

Category:Medium Warship
Mass:579.0 tons
Energy:19,200 + 288.0/s
Shield Regen:12.00/s, drawing 12.00/s
Capture Attack:4.8
Capture Defense:16.6
Self Destruct Rate:25%
Required Crew:8
Cargo Space:10/10
Outfit Space:16/400
Weapon Space:2/155
Engine Space:16/110
Gun Ports:0/6
Turret Mounts:0/1
Idle Heating:840.0/s
Thrust:98,280, drawing 186.0/s, heating 366.0/s
Steering:2101, drawing 246.0/s, heating 630.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:400
Meteor Capacity:0/60
Outfits:4x Plasma Cannon
2x Meteor Missile Launcher
60x Meteor Missile
1x Quad Blaster Turret
1x Dwarf Core
1x LP144a Battery Pack
1x D14-RN Shield Generator
1x Liquid Nitrogen Cooler
3x Security Station
8x Laser Rifle
1x A250 Atomic Thruster
1x A525 Atomic Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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Marauder Manta (Engines)

After the Syndicate released their Vanguard Heavy Warship, the Manta fell somewhat out of favor due to its lack of ability to mount any anti-missile turrets. The owner of this Manta rectified that, added some extra armor plating and shield emitters, and rearranged some of the internals to yield a little more outfit space. Dry tonnage alone keeps it from being classified as a heavy warship.

A previous owner of this Manta has gone to great lengths to make sure they could bring all six gun ports to bear in a hurry, and chase down smaller warships. Style was not lost on that captain, and a forked tail yielded a little more space for shield projectors in an area that would have been destabilized by engine exhaust. If its dry tonnage were any higher, it would be classified as a heavy warship.

Category:Medium Warship
Price:7,360,000 ← 7,182,000
Mass:592.0 tons ← 579.0 tons
Energy:19,200 + 288.0/s
Shield Regen:12.00/s, drawing 12.00/s
Capture Attack:6.6 ← 4.8
Capture Defense:8.8 ← 16.6
Self Destruct Rate:25%
Required Crew:8
Cargo Space:10/10
Outfit Space:3/400 ← 16/400
Weapon Space:2/155
Engine Space:17/130 ← 16/110
Gun Ports:0/6
Turret Mounts:0/1
Idle Heating:840.0/s
Thrust:171,360, drawing 306.0/s, heating 618.0/s ← 98,280, drawing 186.0/s, heating 366.0/s
Steering:2101, drawing 246.0/s, heating 630.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:400
Meteor Capacity:0/60
Outfits:4x Plasma Cannon
2x Meteor Missile Launcher
60x Meteor Missile
1x Quad Blaster Turret
1x Dwarf Core
1x LP144a Battery Pack
1x D14-RN Shield Generator
1x Liquid Nitrogen Cooler
11x Laser Rifle
1x A370 Atomic Thruster
1x A525 Atomic Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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Marauder Manta (Weapons)

After the Syndicate released their Vanguard Heavy Warship, the Manta fell somewhat out of favor due to its lack of ability to mount any anti-missile turrets. The owner of this Manta rectified that, added some extra armor plating and shield emitters, and rearranged some of the internals to yield a little more outfit space. Dry tonnage alone keeps it from being classified as a heavy warship.

This Manta has undergone extensive modification, featuring extra gun ports, hull plating, and shield emitters. Whoever modified it seems to have forgotten to include dedicated space for the power systems, as they're crammed in and around everything else like an afterthought. If its dry tonnage were any higher, it would be classified as a heavy warship.

Category:Medium Warship
Price:7,197,000 ← 7,182,000
Mass:593.0 tons ← 579.0 tons
Energy:13,550 + 564.0/s ← 19,200 + 288.0/s
Shield Regen:12.00/s, drawing 12.00/s
Capture Attack:6.6 ← 4.8
Capture Defense:8.8 ← 16.6
Self Destruct Rate:25%
Required Crew:7 ← 8
Cargo Space:10/10
Outfit Space:2/400 ← 16/400
Weapon Space:1/175 ← 2/155
Engine Space:38/110 ← 16/110
Gun Ports:0/6
Turret Mounts:0/1
Idle Heating:1500/s ← 840.0/s
Thrust:98,280, drawing 186.0/s, heating 366.0/s
Steering:1222, drawing 150.0/s, heating 378.0/s ← 2101, drawing 246.0/s, heating 630.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:400
Steering:73,320/s ← 126,060/s
Meteor Capacity:0/60
Outfits:2x Particle Cannon
2x Proton Gun
2x Meteor Missile Launcher
60x Meteor Missile
1x Heavy Anti-Missile Turret
1x Fission Reactor
1x LP072a Battery Pack
1x LP036a Battery Pack
1x Supercapacitor
1x D14-RN Shield Generator
1x Liquid Nitrogen Cooler
11x Laser Rifle
1x A250 Atomic Thruster
1x A375 Atomic Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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