
Granulites are descendants of the Gegno's early generation ships used to colonize nearby systems before the invention of the hyperdrive. They now carry hundreds of Vi both in and out of war, and huge cargo loads to supply depots. They are not typically used as warships, but can support enough weaponry to threaten most smaller vessels, or fend off larger ships long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

Category:Heavy Freighter
Mass:1911 tons
Energy:49,938 + 408.0/s
Capture Attack:47.7
Capture Defense:47.7
Required Crew:57
Cargo Space:718/718
Outfit Space:0/651
(minmaxed):1176 with 18 cargo, 1161 with 38 cargo, 1146 with 58 cargo, 1101 with 118 cargo, 1026 with 218 cargo
Weapon Space:14/216
Engine Space:0/203
Gun Ports:0/11
Turret Mounts:0/2
Idle Heating:528.0/s
Thrust:171,252, drawing 174.0/s, heating 414.0/s
Steering:1291, drawing 93.00/s, heating 219.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:900
Outfits:11x Irate Cannon
1x Irate Cannon Turret
1x Choleric Cannon Turret
2x C7 Brawl Cell
1x C3 Scrap Cell
3x R03 Warforge Battery
53x Savagery Pike
1x RG3 Torch Thruster
1x RG15 Torch Thruster
1x RG3 Torch Steering
1x RG15 Torch Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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