
The mighty Feldspar is a Scin creation to behold. As a testbed for the new Halite fighters, Feldspars bring their own small fleets with them and overwhelm their enemy. They were also designed as a semi-experimental platform, built around a brand new multi-engine system and the latest in Gegno plasma technology.

Able to keep a decent stance away from a battle while putting down artillery fire, Feldspars are quite a dangerously well-rounded ship for their size. On the downside, they are more susceptible to hull damage like any other Scin warship, especially when alone. As such, they rely on their fighters to keep their enemies at a distance.

Category:Heavy Warship
Mass:1623 tons
Energy:16,646 + 1194/s
Capture Attack:171.6
Capture Defense:118.8
Required Crew:135
Cargo Space:82/82
Outfit Space:33/566
(minmaxed):626 with 2 cargo, 611 with 22 cargo, 581 with 62 cargo
Weapon Space:72/234
Engine Space:7/172
Turret Mounts:0/2
Idle Heating:2778/s
Thrust:174,960, drawing 186.0/s, heating 570.0/s
Reverse Thrust:81,900, drawing 87.00/s, heating 267.0/s
Steering:935, drawing 87.00/s, heating 246.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:600
Outfits:2x Acuit Artillery
1x C27 Campaign Core
1x R03 Warforge Battery
66x Plasmasickle
66x Plasma Grenades
1x SC-15 Plasma Thrusters
1x SC-12 Plasma Steering
1x SC-14 Plasma Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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