
Epidotes are large independent research platforms with adequately-sized cargo holds, allowing them to perform as a reliable heavy freighter for the Gegno Scin. A large number of bunks either help transport groups of Scin scientists to their project destinations, or allow for mobile on-board demonstrations and observations. Each Epidote is equipped with a rear fighter docking bay capable of carrying two Halites, typically used to ship Halite fighters around Scin space to resupply carriers. Thanks to these fighters and the Epidotes' three dorsal turrets, they can also be used as a secondary warship when needed.

Like other Gegno Scin ships, Epidotes themselves are an experimental test bed; they are built around the same large engine system tested on Feldspars, making them notably fast for their size.

Mass:1673 tons
Energy:25,633 + 774.0/s
Capture Attack:132.6
Capture Defense:91.8
Required Crew:103
Cargo Space:430/430
Outfit Space:25/552
(minmaxed):867 with 10 cargo, 852 with 30 cargo, 837 with 50 cargo, 792 with 110 cargo, 717 with 210 cargo
Weapon Space:29/166
Engine Space:2/182
Turret Mounts:0/3
Idle Heating:1578/s
Thrust:174,960, drawing 186.0/s, heating 570.0/s
Reverse Thrust:81,900, drawing 87.00/s, heating 267.0/s
Steering:1276, drawing 120.0/s, heating 354.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:600
Outfits:2x Astuit Battery
1x Acuit Artillery
1x C7 Brawl Cell
1x C17 Warzone Core
1x R02 Battlezone Battery
1x R03 Warforge Battery
51x Plasmasickle
51x Plasma Grenades
1x SC-15 Plasma Thrusters
2x SC-14 Plasma Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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