
The largest of Korath production vessels are derived from a common and ancient chassis, including this large Efreti vessel. Facing very different challenges, and taking some inspiration from their Quarg protectors, the Efreti descendant of the "World-Ships" of old is lighter, faster, and more efficient, but less powerful than its Exile counterparts.

Mass:2252 tons
Energy:10,700 + 1944/s
Shield Regen:360.0/s, drawing 528.0/s
Hull Repair:48.00/s, drawing 48.00/s, heating 72.00/s
Capture Attack:393.6
Capture Defense:590.4
Required Crew:246
Cargo Space:734/734
Outfit Space:4/721
(minmaxed):1261 with 14 cargo, 1246 with 34 cargo, 1231 with 54 cargo, 1186 with 114 cargo, 1111 with 214 cargo
Weapon Space:48/285
Engine Space:2/155
Gun Ports:0/4
Turret Mounts:0/5
Idle Heating:5940/s
Thrust:378,000, drawing 840.0/s, heating 1080/s
Steering:2800, drawing 471.0/s, heating 600.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Scram Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:150
Fuel Capacity:800
Ramscoop:2 (1.41)
Asteroid Scan Power:40
Outfits:4x Digger Mining Beam
2x Grab-Strike Turret
1x Banisher Grav-Turret
2x Warder Anti-Missile
1x Double Plasma Core
1x Generator (Inferno Class)
1x Systems Core (Large)
1x Large Heat Shunt
1x Fuel Processor
246x Thermal Repeater Rifle
1x Nelmeb GP Hybrid Thruster
1x Nelmeb GP Hybrid Steering
1x Scram Drive

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