
The Carrier is more than just a warship: it is practically a mobile space station, with docking bays for an entire squadron of drones and fighters and enough crew to fill a small village. Although designed primarily for engaging enemies from a distance, a Carrier can also do significant damage in close combat.

Category:Heavy Warship
Mass:1693.0 tons
Energy:31,200 + 1092/s
Shield Regen:78.60/s, drawing 78.60/s
Capture Attack:76.0
Capture Defense:47.4
Required Crew:113
Cargo Space:100/100
Outfit Space:37/820
(minmaxed):895 with 0 cargo, 880 with 20 cargo, 850 with 60 cargo
Weapon Space:54/370
Engine Space:30/210
Gun Ports:0/8
Turret Mounts:0/4
Idle Heating:2400/s
Thrust:352,080, drawing 378.0/s, heating 702.0/s
Steering:1426, drawing 114.0/s, heating 234.0/s
Radar Jamming:20
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:700
Tactical Scan Power:32
Meteor Capacity:0/120
Outfits:4x Particle Cannon
4x Meteor Missile Launcher
120x Meteor Missile
2x Heavy Laser Turret
2x Heavy Anti-Missile Turret
1x Fusion Reactor
1x LP288a Battery Pack
1x D94-YV Shield Generator
2x Large Radar Jammer
1x Water Coolant System
1x Brig
40x Laser Rifle
40x Fragmentation Grenades
1x Security Station
1x Tactical Scanner
1x X5700 Ion Thruster
1x X4200 Ion Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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Carrier (Alpha)

Category:Heavy Warship
Price:60,156,000 ← 24,354,000
Mass:1806.8 tons ← 1693.0 tons
Energy:10,400 + 2616/s ← 31,200 + 1092/s
Shield Regen:360.0/s, drawing 528.0/s ← 78.60/s, drawing 78.60/s
Hull Repair:48.00/s, drawing 48.00/s, heating 72.00/s ← 0.00/s
Capture Attack:72.0 ← 76.0
Capture Defense:96.0 ← 47.4
Required Crew:115 ← 113
Cargo Space:20/100 ← 100/100
Outfit Space:4/820 ← 37/820
(minmaxed):895 with 0 cargo, 880 with 20 cargo, 850 with 60 cargo
Weapon Space:12/370 ← 54/370
Engine Space:58/210 ← 30/210
Gun Ports:2/8 ← 0/8
Turret Mounts:0/4
Cooling:10,530/s ← 720.0/s
Cooling Inefficiency:4 ← 0
Idle Heating:9240/s ← 2400/s
Thrust:226,080, drawing 366.0/s, heating 762.0/s ← 352,080, drawing 378.0/s, heating 702.0/s
Steering:4005.0, drawing 492.0/s, heating 1602/s ← 1426, drawing 114.0/s, heating 234.0/s
Radar Jamming:0 ← 20
Hyper Drive:No ← Yes
Jump Drive:Yes ← No
Jump Fuel:200 ← 100
Jump Speed:0.3 ← 0.2
Fuel Capacity:700
Ramscoop:4 (2.00) ← 0 (0.00)
Tactical Scan Power:0 ← 32
Steering:240,300/s ← 85,560/s
Meteor Capacity:0 ← 0/120
Tracker Capacity:0/224 ← 0
Outfits:2x Ion Cannon
4x Hai Tracker Pod
224x Hai Tracker
2x Shield Disruptor Turret
2x Husk-Slice Turret
1x Triple Plasma Core
1x Systems Core (Large)
3x Large Heat Shunt
1x Small Heat Shunt
1x Wanderer Ramscoop
4x Outfits Expansion
120x Laser Rifle
1x "Bondir" Atomic Thruster
1x Steering (Stellar Class)
1x Jump Drive

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Carrier (Jump)

Category:Heavy Warship
Price:34,019,000 ← 24,354,000
Mass:1828.0 tons ← 1693.0 tons
Energy:8800 + 1740/s ← 31,200 + 1092/s
Shield Regen:78.60/s, drawing 78.60/s
Capture Attack:76.0
Capture Defense:44.0 ← 47.4
Required Crew:113
Cargo Space:0/100 ← 100/100
Outfit Space:2/820 ← 37/820
(minmaxed):895 with 0 cargo, 880 with 20 cargo, 850 with 60 cargo
Weapon Space:2/370 ← 54/370
Engine Space:23/210 ← 30/210
Gun Ports:0/8
Turret Mounts:0/4
Cooling:4860/s ← 720.0/s
Cooling Inefficiency:5 ← 0
Idle Heating:5040/s ← 2400/s
Thrust:502,919, drawing 798.0/s, heating 1746/s ← 352,080, drawing 378.0/s, heating 702.0/s
Steering:2101, drawing 246.0/s, heating 630.0/s ← 1426, drawing 114.0/s, heating 234.0/s
Radar Jamming:10 ← 20
Hyper Drive:No ← Yes
Jump Drive:Yes ← No
Jump Fuel:200 ← 100
Jump Speed:0.3 ← 0.2
Fuel Capacity:800 ← 700
Tactical Scan Power:0 ← 32
Steering:126,060/s ← 85,560/s
Meteor Capacity:0 ← 0/120
Sidewinder Capacity:0/180 ← 0
Outfits:4x Particle Cannon
4x Sidewinder Missile Launcher
180x Sidewinder Missile
2x Electron Turret
2x Heavy Anti-Missile Turret
40x Laser Rifle
40x Fragmentation Grenades
1x Armageddon Core
1x Dwarf Core
1x LP072a Battery Pack
1x D94-YV Shield Generator
1x Large Radar Jammer
1x Liquid Helium Cooler
1x Water Coolant System
1x Fuel Pod
5x Outfits Expansion
1x A860 Atomic Thruster
1x A525 Atomic Steering
1x Jump Drive

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Carrier (Mark II)

Category:Heavy Warship
Price:33,158,000 ← 24,354,000
Mass:1804.0 tons ← 1693.0 tons
Energy:6250 + 1740/s ← 31,200 + 1092/s
Shield Regen:78.60/s, drawing 78.60/s
Capture Attack:85.5 ← 76.0
Capture Defense:49.5 ← 47.4
Required Crew:113
Cargo Space:20/100 ← 100/100
Outfit Space:6/820 ← 37/820
(minmaxed):895 with 0 cargo, 880 with 20 cargo, 850 with 60 cargo
Weapon Space:2/370 ← 54/370
Engine Space:23/210 ← 30/210
Gun Ports:0/8
Turret Mounts:0/4
Cooling:4140/s ← 720.0/s
Cooling Inefficiency:4 ← 0
Idle Heating:5040/s ← 2400/s
Thrust:502,919, drawing 798.0/s, heating 1746/s ← 352,080, drawing 378.0/s, heating 702.0/s
Steering:2101, drawing 246.0/s, heating 630.0/s ← 1426, drawing 114.0/s, heating 234.0/s
Radar Jamming:10 ← 20
Hyper Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:100
Jump Speed:0.2
Fuel Capacity:700
Tactical Scan Power:0 ← 32
Steering:126,060/s ← 85,560/s
Meteor Capacity:0 ← 0/120
Sidewinder Capacity:0/180 ← 0
Outfits:4x Particle Cannon
4x Sidewinder Missile Launcher
180x Sidewinder Missile
2x Electron Turret
2x Heavy Anti-Missile Turret
1x Armageddon Core
1x Dwarf Core
1x LP036a Battery Pack
3x Supercapacitor
1x D94-YV Shield Generator
1x Large Radar Jammer
1x Liquid Helium Cooler
4x Outfits Expansion
1x Brig
45x Laser Rifle
45x Fragmentation Grenades
1x A860 Atomic Thruster
1x A525 Atomic Steering
1x Hyperdrive

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