
Although they do not effectively provide for their own defense, the Efreti remain responsible for the day-to-day needs of civilian and cargo transportation. While not as bulky or powerful as other Korath designs, this freighter is much faster at making runs back and forth between the Efreti's handful of remaining planets, while still holding enough defensive loadout to ward off the odd Mereti drone that slips past the Quarg.

Category:Heavy Freighter
Mass:1617 tons
Energy:10,500 + 1650/s
Shield Regen:360.0/s, drawing 528.0/s
Hull Repair:48.00/s, drawing 48.00/s, heating 72.00/s
Capture Attack:88.0
Capture Defense:132.0
Required Crew:55
Cargo Space:635/635
Outfit Space:42/582
(minmaxed):1047 with 15 cargo, 1032 with 35 cargo, 1017 with 55 cargo, 972 with 115 cargo, 897 with 215 cargo
Weapon Space:78/193
Engine Space:15/147
Gun Ports:0/2
Turret Mounts:0/3
Idle Heating:5100/s
Thrust:345,600, drawing 849.0/s, heating 1017/s
Steering:1590, drawing 294.0/s, heating 351.0/s
Hyper Drive:Yes
Scram Drive:Yes
Jump Fuel:150
Fuel Capacity:800
Ramscoop:2 (1.41)
Asteroid Scan Power:20
Outfits:1x Banisher Grav-Turret
2x Digger Mining Beam
2x Warder Anti-Missile
1x Double Plasma Core
1x Generator (Furnace Class)
1x Systems Core (Large)
1x Large Heat Shunt
1x Fuel Processor
55x Thermal Repeater Rifle
1x Gaktem GP Hybrid Thruster
1x Farves GP Hybrid Thruster
1x Gaktem GP Hybrid Steering
1x Scram Drive

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