Tractor Beam

The anti-gravity properties of repulsor engines started a revolution in human spaceflight during the 24th century, and it was not long before this technology was put to use elsewhere. Tractor beams utilize repulsor technology to allow ships to attract space debris to them, be that the ores from a recently mined asteroid, or the dumped cargo from a merchant ship fleeing for its life. This has led to tractor beams being a popular outfit among asteroid miners and pirates alike.

Mass:22 tons
Outfit Space:22
Weapon Space:22
Turret Mounts:1
Reload Time:0.02s (60.00/s)
Rate of Fire:60.00/s
Firing Energy:2.1 → 126.0/s → 5.73/s⋅ton
Firing Heat:0.8 → 48.00/s → 2.18/s⋅ton

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