Ionic Blaster Prototype

The Unfettered conflict with the rest of the Hai has put pressure on them to gain a technological edge, despite their limited resources. The Ionic Blaster is a result of that pressure. It is much smaller than the venerable Ion Cannon, while also doing more raw damage for its size. It also is still able to apply some of the same energy draining effects, but Unfettered scientists have pushed it towards a higher relative focus on jamming enemy weapons.

Mass:19 tons
Outfit Space:19
Weapon Space:19
Gun Ports:1
Reload Time:0.50s (2.00/s)
Rate of Fire:2.00/s
Firing Energy:72 → 144.0/s → 7.58/s⋅ton
Firing Heat:108 → 216.0/s → 11.37/s⋅ton
Firing Force:12 → 24.00/s → 1.26/s⋅ton
Shield Damage:70 → 140.0/s → 7.37/s⋅ton
Hull Damage:30 → 60.00/s → 3.16/s⋅ton
Ion Damage:0.5 → 1.00/s → 0.05/s⋅ton
Hit Force:72 → 144.0/s → 7.58/s⋅ton

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